International Surrogacy Services Agency | Global Surrogacy

Global Surrogacy is the leading international surrogacy agency that takes an ethical and sympathetic approach towards IPs, surrogate mums and their children – as well as a comprehensive understanding of the international surrogacy laws of all territories involved – Global Surrogacy is the perfect organisation for anyone taking this big, exciting step. The team at Global Surrogacy has been providing international surrogacy services for the past nine years. We provide surrogacy in Georgia, Colombia, Mexico and various other countries. Visit our clinics!
We have undertaken a detailed investigation of the surrogacy programs and legal framework in those countries and only offered these programs after lengthy negotiations with and appraisals of local clinics and lawyers in Mexico, Georgia, Colombia, Greece and various options for USA. We have travelled and continue to travel so that we regularly visit each location to ensure continued compliance with our required ethical and professional standards of service to both intended parents and surrogates.