MarTech Interview with Mike Hauptman, CEO at Adlib

Mike, please provide a brief overview of AdLib and its unique position in the advertising software industry.
a. AdLib stands out in the advertising software industry by seamlessly connecting with top global DSPs through our MetaDSP. We offer analytics that ingest and normalize data from diverse DSPs and major media supply sources, providing consolidated reporting and actionable insights. Ad agencies, brands, and marketers choose AdLib as a workflow platform to reduce labor costs and eliminate errors & omissions. Our integrated, user-friendly UI and cross-channel media buying APIs streamline ad campaign setup and launch across top DSPs. AdLib differentiates by using best-in-class connections through larger DSPs, fostering healthy competition.
How did the concept of AdLib as a self-serve, pay-as-you-go programmatic platform come to your mind?
a. The concept of AdLib as a self-serve, pay-as-you-go programmatic platform originated from our experiences at MediaMath. We observed marketers grappling with accessing premium programmatic advertising platforms due to annual contracts and campaign minimums. These platforms demanded significant time and resources for campaign launch and management because of their complexity. Recognizing a market gap, we envisioned AdLib as an easy-to-access, easy-to-use platform with a global reach, removing barriers for marketers of all sizes.

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